Afshin Fallah

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-03-05

Afshin Fallah (Faculty Member)

Faculty of Sciences / Statistics

Journal Paper

  1. "A novel sampling approach for prediction of post-earthquake damage to buildings"
    Mahdi Rahmani-Qeranqayeh, Morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah, Vahid Majed
    International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 98, pp.1-20, 2023
  2. "Safety Comparison of Simple and Spiral Horizontal Curves Based on Side Friction Factor Dynamic Modeling"
    , Ali Abdi Kordani, Afshin Fallah, Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
    JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION, Vol. 2023, pp.1-23, 2023
  3. "A Flexible Generalized Poisson Likelihood for Spatial Counts Constructed by Renewal Theory, Motivated by Groundwater Quality Assessment"
    nadifar mahsa, Baghishani Hossein, Afshin Fallah
  4. "Statistical inference for the generalized weighted exponential distribution"
    Afshin Fallah, Ramin Kazemi
  5. "Accuracy of L-moments approximation for spectral risk measures in heavy tail distributions"
    Afshin Fallah, Ramin Kazemi, Alipour Sajedeh
    Journal of Statistics & Management Systems, Vol. 25, pp.2073-2085, 2022
  6. "A Semiparametric Approach for Modeling Partially Linear Autoregressive Model with Skew Normal Innovations"
    Leila Sakhabakhsh, Rahman Farnoosh, Afshin Fallah, Mohammadhassan Behzadi
    Advances in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2022, pp.1-17, 2022
  7. "Autoregressive Time Series Analysis of Variance with Skew Normal Innovations"
    Arezo Hajrajabi, Afshin Fallah
    Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Vol. 45, pp.121-138, 2022
  8. "A Bayesian-Weighted Inverse Gaussian Regression Model with Application to Seismological Data"
    Ehsan Mesdaghi, Afshin Fallah, Rahman Farnoosh, Gholam Hossein Yari
    Advances in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2022, pp.1-10, 2022
  9. "A flexible Bayesian nonconfounding spatial model for analysis of dispersed count data"
    Mahsa Nadifar, Hossein Baghishani, Afshin Fallah
    BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 64, pp.758-770, 2022
  10. "Genetic algorithm based support vector machine regression for prediction of SARA analysis in crude oil samples using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy"
    Mahsa Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Khan Mohammadi Khorami, Ali Vatani, Hossin Gasemzadeh, Hamid Vatanparast, Alireza Bahramian, Afshin Fallah
  11. "Investigating the spatial correlations in univariate random fields of peak ground velocity and peak ground displacement considering anisotropy"
    Morteza Abbasnejadfard, Morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah
    Geoenvironmental Disasters, Vol. 8, pp.1-16, 2021
  12. "Analyzing the effect of anisotropic spatial correlations of earthquake intensiAnalyzing the effect of anisotropic spatial correlations of earthquake intensity measures on the result of seismic risk and resilience assessment of the portfolio of buildings and infrastructure systems"
    Morteza Abbasnejadfard, Morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah, Alireza Garakaninezhad
    Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 19, pp.5791-5817, 2021
  13. "Inference on a Four-parameter Generalized Weighted Exponential Distribution"
    Ramin Kazemi, Akram Kohansal, Afshin Fallah, Fariba Nasiri
    Filomat, Vol. 35, pp.827-844, 2021
  14. "Investigation of anisotropic spatial correlations of intra-event residuals of multiple earthquake intensity measures using latent dimensions method"
    Morteza Abasnezhad, Morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah
    GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 222, pp.1449-1469, 2020
  15. "Modeling Extreme Ground-Motion Intensities Using Extreme Value Theory"
    Shahin Borzoo, Morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah
    PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, Vol. 177, pp.4691-4706, 2020
  16. "Extreme scenarios selection for seismic assessment of expanded lifeline networks"
    Shahin Borzoo, Morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah
    Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 17, pp.1386-1403, 2020
  17. "Rapid determination and classification of crude oils by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and chemometric methods"
    Mahsa Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Khan Mohammadi Khorami, Ali Vatani, Hossin Gasemzadeh, Hamid Vatanparast, Alireza Bahramian, Afshin Fallah
  18. "Classical and Bayesian Estimation of the AR(1) Model with Skew-Symmetric Innovations"
    Arezo Hajrajabi, Afshin Fallah
    Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, Vol. 18, pp.157-175, 2019
  19. "The effect of shoulder on safety of highways in horizontal curves With focus on roll angle"
    Ali Abdi Kordani, Sajad Javadi, Afshin Fallah
    KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 22, pp.3153-3161, 2018
  20. "Nonlinear semiparametric AR(1) model with skew-symmetric innovations"
    Arezo Hajrajabi, Afshin Fallah
  21. "Bayesian Analysis of Covariance Under Inverse Gaussian model"
    Mohammadreza Meshkani, Afshin Fallah, Amir Kavousi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS, Vol. 43, pp.280-298, 2016
  22. "Analysis on Some Degree-based Topological Indices"
    Ramin Kazemi, Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 25, pp.15-24, 2016
  23. "Gaussian Mixture Analysis of Covariance"
    Afshin Fallah
  24. "Analysis of covariance by assuming a skew normal distribution for response variable"
    Afshin Fallah, ZAHRA GOODARZI
    Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 2015
  25. "Analysis of Covariance Under Inverse Guassian Model"
    Mohammadreza Meshkani, Afshin Fallah, Amir Kavousi
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS, Vol. 41, pp.1189-1202, 2014
  26. "Spatial Analysis of Air Polution in Tehran City by a Bayesian Auto-Binomial Model"
    , Afshin Fallah,
  27. "Bayesian and Iterative Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Coefficients in Logistic Regression Analysis with Linked Data"
    Mohsen Mohammadzadeh, Afshin Fallah
    Journal of Statistical Research of Iran, Vol. 9, pp.43-60, 2012
  28. "Bayesian regression Analysis with linked data using mixture normal distribution"
    Afshin Fallah, mohsen Mohammadzadeh
    STATISTICAL PAPERS, pp.421-430, 2010
  29. "A semiparametric first-order nonlinear autoregressive model with dependent and skew normal errors"
    , Rahman Farnoush, Afshin Fallah, محمد حسن بهزادي
    Vol. 8, pp.31-44, 2023
  30. "Analysis of Space-Time Count Data Using the Flexible Gamma-Count Model"
    Mahsa Nadifar, Hossein Baghishani, Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 15, pp.275-301, 2021
  31. "Bayesian Model Averahing in Inverse Gaussian Regression Analysis"
    Zahra Rahimian azad, Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 15, pp.97-118, 2021
  32. "Using Weighted Distributions for Modeling Skewed, Multimodal and Truncated Data"
    Khadijeh Rezaei, Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 23, pp.99-115, 2018
  33. ""
    Mehdi Aria, Mahdi Hosseini, Afshin Fallah
    Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, Vol. 3, pp.13-28, 2018
  34. ""
    Afshin Fallah, Ramin Kazemi, Hasan Khosravi
    Vol. 11, pp.297-317, 2018
  35. ""
    Afshin Fallah, Monir Mirzaei
    Vol. 7, pp.62-84, 2018
  36. "A New Probabilistic Model for"
    , Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 112, pp.55-80, 2014
  37. "Bayesian Regression Moedl with Bivariate Finite Mixture Poisson Responsde Variable"
    Afshin Fallah, , Ramin Kazemi
    Vol. 7, pp.77-102, 2013
  38. "Benford Law and It s Applications"
    Afshin Fallah,
    Vol. 35, pp.71-84, 2013
  39. "A Disscussion on Concept of Symetry and Asymetry"
    Afshin Fallah, , Abbas Gerami
    Vol. 15, pp.17-28, 2011
  40. "Incorporating Distributional Properties Using Weghted Distributions"
    , Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 2, pp.167-182, 2010
  41. "Reducing Modeling Errors with Bayesian Model Averaging"
    Afshin Fallah, Mohsen Mohammadzadeh
    Vol. 14, pp.11-22, 2009
  42. "Bayesian Estimation of Penalty Function in homogenity Test of Mixture Models"
    Rahman Farnosh, Afshin Fallah, Arerzoo Haj Rajabi
    Journal of Statistical Sciences, Vol. 2, pp.229-243, 2008
  43. "A Approcsimate Maximum Likelihhod Estimator for Skewness Parameter in Skew Normal Distribution"
    Afshin Fallah, Abbas Gerami
    Vol. 33, pp.39-45, 2007
  44. "probabilistic Linkage of Persian Records with Missing Data"
    Afshin Fallah, Mohsen Mohammadzadeh
    Journal of Statistical Research of Iran, Vol. 4, pp.91-107, 2007
  45. "Statistical Methods for data mining"
    Mohsen Mohammadzadeh, Afshin Fallah
    Vol. 10, pp.47-54, 2005

Conference Paper

  1. "A More Flexible Class of Two Piece Skew Normal Distribution"
    Afshin Fallah,
    Forth International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, pp.345-349, 2012
  2. "Spatial dependence of extreme damage probabilities in the lifeline networks using the max-stable process"
    shahin Borzou, morteza Bastami, Afshin Fallah
    3rd seminar on spatial statistics and its applications, pp.13-19, 2019
  3. "Ranked set sampling of extrem groups"
    Hadi Zarean ziarani, Afshin Fallah
    the 12th seminar on probability and stocatic processees, pp.142-148, 2019
  4. "bayesian averaging of regression models in an asymmetric population"
    Zahra Rahimian azad, Afshin Fallah
    The 21th seinar on probblity ad stochasticprocesses, pp.184-194, 2019
  5. "Mixture Inverse Gaussian analysis of covariace"
    Zahra Zarepour yeknami, Afshin Fallah
    the 12th seminar on probability and stocatic processees, pp.217-226, 2019
  6. "Determination of °API gravity in petroleum by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration"
    Mahsa Mohammadi, Mohammad Reza Khan Mohammadi Khorami, Hossin Gasemzadeh, Afshin Fallah
    26 th Iranian conference of Analytical Chemistry, pp.21-21, 2019
  7. "Bayesian analysis of multivariate finite mixture poisson-inverse Gaussian regression model"
    Afshin Fallah
    49th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.2059-2067, 2018
  8. ""
    Afshin Fallah
    49th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, pp.4115-4126, 2018
  9. "Analysis of Covariance Underr a Mixture of Inverse Gaussian Distributions"
    Afshin Fallah, Zeinab Yousefipoor
    13th Irnian Statistics Conference, pp.625-629, 2016
  10. "Bayesian Regression Analysis under Count Gamma Distribution"
    Mahsa Nadifar, Afshin Fallah
    13th Iranian Statistics Conference, pp.759-764, 2016
  11. "Bayesian Analysis of Covariance Under Skew Normal Model"
    Afshin Fallah, ZAHRA GOODARZI
    13th Iranian Statistics Conference, pp.630-637, 2016
  12. "Hierarchical Bayes Analysis oi M-Quantile regression Models"
    Monir Mirzai, Afshin Fallah
    13 Iranian Statistics Conference, pp.744-750, 2016
  13. "Bayesian Analysis of Geostatistics Data using GC Regression"
    Mahsa Nadifar, Afshin Fallah
    13th Iranina Statistics Conference, pp.752-758, 2016
  14. "Using Divergence Measures in Modelling"
    Afshin Fallah
    10th siminar on probability and stochastic processes, pp.698-707, 2015
  15. "Bayesian Regression analysis of generalized quantile models"
    Monir Mirzai, Afshin Fallah
    , pp.223-226, 2015
  16. "Bayesian regression analysis under extreme ranked set sampling"
    Afshin Fallah, Maryam Sheikh
    , pp.689-693, 2015
  17. "Analysis of covariance with assumption of skew normal distribution for response variable"
    Afshin Fallah, ZAHRA GOODARZI
    , 2015
  18. ""
    Esmail Amiri, Pariba Kamali nejad, Afshin Fallah
    , pp.63-66, 2014
  19. ""
    Afshin Fallah,
    , pp.46-46, 2014
  20. ""
    Ramin Kazemi, Hasan Khosravi, Afshin Fallah,
    12th Iranian Statistical Conference, pp.186-186, 2014
  21. ""
    Afshin Fallah, Ramin Kazemi
    12th Iranian Statistical Conference, pp.80-80, 2014
  22. ""
    Afshin Fallah
    , pp.107-116, 2012
  23. "On Asymptotic Relation of ML and UMVU Estimators"
    Afshin Fallah
    Forth International Conference in Mathematical Sciences, pp.441-445, 2012
  24. ""
    Afshin Fallah, Mohsen Mohammadzadeh
    Conference on analysis ofbthe iran 2006 census, pp.185-191, 2008
  25. "Bayesian Model Averaging of Regression Models"
    Afshin Fallah, Mohsen Mohammdadzadeh
    7th Iranian Statistical Conference, pp.646-655, 2004