Davoud Rostami Varnosefaderani


Update: 2025-02-19

Davoud Rostami Varnosefaderani (Faculty Member)

Faculty of Sciences / applied mathematics

Current courses

Course Name unit time term
Seminar 2 first semester Academic year 2023-2024
Finite Elements Method 3 هرهفته، شنبه، 08:00-10:00، هفته هاي زوج، دوشنبه، 13:00-15:00 first semester Academic year 2023-2024
Numerical Solution of Delay Differential and Integral Equations 3 هرهفته، شنبه، 10:00-12:00، هفته هاي زوج، دوشنبه، 08:00-10:00 first semester Academic year 2023-2024